Tuesday 11 June 2013

You Matter Too...

Feeling burned out? Over worked, tired, run down, emotionally, physically, spiritually & mentally drained? This area has been laid so heavy on my heart, I thought it was time I blog about it.
Sometimes I take a look at how the world is today. We believe the lie that if we're not busy, then we're not successful. If we're not busy, then we're not seeing results. You see, being busy means you’re the 'jack of all trades and the master of none'. I've also come to the realisation that rest requires DISCIPLINE; one MUST discipline oneself to rest, because it goes against the status-quo, completely against what society says and moreover, it goes against our pre-conditions.

Rest is defined as:

VerbCease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.
NounAn instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity.

Something God has been teaching me recently is that even though I know how to rest physically, I have not yet mastered the art of resting mentally. It's an area that I am still working on, and day by day I am being renewed by His word.

In all honesty, I've come to the stage where I now know that busyness means you do not have focus nor have mastered your purpose, or your purpose has been revealed to you and your like 'Thank You Jesus, I've got this now!' Trust me, I've been there! That moment when God reveals your purpose and even your season, and because He's done that we think we don't need Him anymore but please know it's then that we need Him more than ever! Because now you know your purpose, He still hasn't called you to be busy, but He's called you to be fruitful. Busyness is from the devil, fruitfulness is from the Lord. Remember He is your shepherd, therefore He leads you beside still waters – Psalm 23:2.

As I sat in a Global Investment meeting last week, I was amazed to even see how they approach investing in the markets of this world. They take a step back, ANALYSE their CURRENT investments, see if they're producing any dividends, remove those investments that are not profitable (even to the extent of whole markets & countries) and focuson those things that yield, not only high dividends, but the best results. So it got me thinking…if the financial market operates in such a way in day-to-day business, why do we as humans, not do the same things? I could only come up with one reason – we've believed the lie! I've learned now to turn away from those tasks that keep me busy, but not productive. I've learned to stay away from those people & conversations that keep me busy & distracted, but add no value.

Not resting in my opinion also shows lack of self-love; no one can love you better than yourself (and God obviously). But if you do not love yourself, how in the WORLD do you expect God to love you the way He wants too. I always remember the quote that I heard from Joyce Meyer one day where she said'the best thing you can give to the world is a healthy you'Healthy in ALL ways! In Psalm 127:2 says 'It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.' SEE, even God says to go to BED early! He understands the importance of rest, renewal & replenishment.

Put down the phones, the ipads, the TV remote, the gym membership, and the ministry, the relationships, the titles, the demands and just REST! Now I KNOW that is scary because GOD FORBID that you miss out on the latest? God forbid you miss a phone call, aren't available to pick up that important call or email – my stance is 'if it's important they'll leave a message'. I used to be that way, always available, always there, and then I realised it was no longer bringing me value. I know myself well enough now to know that rest is an important part of my week – I HAVE to schedule it in, because I head into burn out quickly which in turn leads down a dark road, BUT thank GOD for the Holy Spirit & His warning signs. I've began to realise that if you can't be of any help to yourself, you will not be of any use nor help to others,

If you don't know how to rest, ask God to show you – He is faithful. Go before Him and quite simply say:

'Dear Lord, I know how important rest is to you; because even you took a day's rest once you created the world. You created it with rest & peace in mind, and you desire that we enter not only your rest, but rest in general. Forgive me for not resting, but I please show me how'.

He is so faithful to answer your prayers. Remember, 'you have not because you ask not'. If rest is an area of weakness for you, remember that God's strength is made PERFECT in your weakness J I believe that it's in our rest, that we get to know ourselves; it's there that we get to know our wants, needs, motives, purpose & general thoughts.

As you can tell, I'm a HUGE advocate for rest & I truly believe that not only sometimes, but weekly; the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest…

(The photo was taken when I was in Barcelona last weekend! I highly recommend it) 

Love EML xx

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Process before the Promise...

There's always a process before the promise...no matter who you are, where you come from or how long you've been a Christian there is always and WILL always be a process. It's the same when studying for a degree; the process involves learning & studying your field, the related materials to your subject area and then applying those in course work, presentations and exams. All these are stages before you receive what you originally went to University for; your degree certificate which shows that you passed the process, the exams & tests and are now worthy and ready to receive the prize or in this case the promise.

A few months back, God promised and revealed to me something that blew my mind; and because it was within my reach I truly believed that I was going to receive it immediately because I could see it...BUT GOD had different plans. He never took it away, in fact He kept it in my midsts and changed me in the 'process'. Unknown to me, the process I had to go through was to go from old to new, to remove old ways of thinking, perspectives, mindsets & behaviours that could not go with me into my next season of life. 

I was far from ready, so far it hurt. I know now that had I received the promise before the process it would have been a premature birth which would have in-turn destroyed what God had already ordained for His word Proverbs 20:21 informs us that:

An inheritance hastily gotten [by greedy, unjust means] at the beginning, in the end it will not be blessed. (Amplified Bible)

I don't know about you, but I need God to bless everything in my life for where He is not, I cannot be. One thing this season has taught me about the flesh is that it want what it wants & it wants it NOW! But God is so just & faithful, just like our natural parents, He will NOT give us what we are not ready to receive. Why you may ask? Because He doesn't want us to hurt ourselves or others along the way and the harsh reality is that in our quest for wanting what we desire we do not care who we hurt, even if that means hurting ourselves. Truth is, we don't know the end from the beginning, we do not know how things will work out, we can only know from our present, due to what we think and feel (I call that our limited perspective) but God has already been into your future and knows the outcome of every single day of your life.

Something I've learned about God's characteristic, is that it's He's not only patient but He also wants and does what is best for His child. He looks at us and says 'This wouldn't be good for you right now, therefore I am not putting this pressure on you'. He knows what we can and what we can't handle so he prepares us in the process so when He is ready (in HIS time) not only will we be ready but He would have prepared us to a point where you know you cannot fail nor go back because He's brought you too far.

Now, another harsh reality is that not everyone is going to get your journey nor the process, but God will surround you with those that do. As you go through your process, as God begins to take out what isn't of Him and fill you with what is, He will also begin to make you whole. But I can assure you, not everyone will be happy nor even like it. Unfortunately, even when you are no longer the person you used to be, people are so busy trying to keep you in the box of your yester-years with their limited perspective that they become resentful when you move on, not understanding that you are becoming whole...what they fail to know is that it's not you who's moved on, they're still stuck in your past, because really they preferred you broken. 

No matter what you do, I plead with you to not pick up those broken pieces of your past for in Christ you are a new creation, old things have passed away, ALL THINGS are new (yes, you are a new creation in Christ)! You are now His and what He says you are (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Through the process it's so easy to run back to the comfort of the old you...simply because that's all you've known and all who others have known! But it's not who you were destined to be, and certainly not who God called you to be. 

I'm still in my process and I don't know when it will be over, but one thing I can say is that I am looking forward to receiving the promise; because not only will I be prepared & purged of all old ways, I will also be positioned perfectly in order to receive it.

Enjoy the process and receive your promise Sis, God promises your labour shall not be in vain!

(Me at my 25th birthday party last month)

Some other bits & pieces:
  1. I've finally launched No Ordinary Woman - it's the ministry God placed on my heart last October and it's now up & running :) Yay! Glory be to God...check it out ladies
  2. Follow us on Twitter @NOrdinaryWoman3 & Facebook www.facebook.com/noordinaywoman25 & www.noordinarywoman.co.uk
  3. Thank you so much for supporting & following, I truly am grateful 

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Who determines your worth?

Who teaches you how to love and be loved? The world of today, the music of today? The magazine articles of today?

Who determines your value and worth? Who do you live for? Do you go through each day seeking and value and worth from others? From our husbands, partner, parents, even children? Look to the Truth, look up and understand that you are what GOD says you are! In Proverbs 31 it says we are 'as priceless as rubies'. In one simple sentence it states just how valuable we are as women! It means we are priceless, we are worth a lot more than who we think we're worth! Every woman, whether you're a woman of the world or a Woman of God, never forget that!

Now I've been there; compromised my morals, gave all I had and got nothing back. Gave up my life for a Man who didn't understand that I was made from man's rib, under his heart to be loved...not to be trampled on, but to be protected! I got my self-esteem from his praise, from his reactions to the things I did, but never once did I look to what God says about me! I always thought that his opinion mattered, I went to bed happy if he was happy with what I had done for HIM. Now do you see where that puzzle is wrong and doesn't fit? It was because I did not know my worth as a woman, I didn't know that I was fearfully and wonderfully  made, even more importantly I didn't know that I was made in His image! I did not know what God, my Father, said about me! I did not know what God said about Love; how to love and how to be loved (1 Corinthians 13)

Its important as women that we see our value first and foremost, from the Word of God. We are special as women! Everything about you is wonderfully and perfectly made! We are a reflection of God's love for man for he said to Adam in the book of Genesis 'it is not good for man to be alone'. We are the female reflection of what a Man cannot express. That's why you must guard your heart and be careful to whom you give it too.

We're emotional creatures, we feel everything so deeply but outwardly. Do you know why? Again for we are the female extension of what a man cannot express! You have not been made by God to be abused, emotionally & physically; you've not been made by your Father, our King, to be ignored, laughed at, shunned and feel your worth is only in the physical pleasures you can bring! You have been made by God to fulfill and purpose and destiny which he has specifically designed for you. We're special; we birth children, we keep home, we love so deeply for a Man who is loved by a woman has a good thing. For in Proverbs 18:22 it says 'He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD'. Do you see that? We are GOOD! We enhance lives, we maximise, we increase favour :)

I listened to some very good advice once...their words to me were 'never lower the bar'. That means ladies, when you find a good man and God forbid it doesn't work out, never compromise or lower what your used to (baring in mind you must know your worth and value in God first). Never mould yourself into something else for someone else, for it is for the man to step up to your worth and value. He has to see how special you are, its not for you to make him see.

If you WAIT on the Lord 'blessed who are those who wait on the Lord'...he will send you your two! Now I can be an emotional mess sometimes, I'm pretty sure we all are. I can be moody, cry for no reason...I'm sensitive, I'm a big kid and the list goes on. Now do you know who you are? 

Never make the mistake of changes these things for anybody! Because the Lord will send people in your life that can handle what you are bringing. The Lord will send you someone who loves the fact that you are emotional, can be a mess, not afraid to show your emotions, will cry at a movie or even at Don't Tell The Bride because it's emotional (this happened yesterday). But yet you are strong, courageous and know what you want from life. I speak from experience. Ground your roots in the Lord, the things of God for he is always working in an unseen place! He will send the person where you can be yourself, even in the process of when two become one, for you complete each other JUST the way you are.

I read somewhere that there are certain blessings a man cannot recieve without a wife, or woman for no man is an island. Some particular blessings come via a woman! Again, do you see how special you and I are? The roles we play in life are so important! Never forget your value, your worth and as you go about your day understand that you are what God says about you.

Follow The One, and he WILL lead you to your TWO :D xx

May God Bless You,

EML xxx

Sunday 24 March 2013


Sometimes I question why God works with me the way He does? He truly pushes me to limits that I try to fight, then I remember – He is God and His will, will prevail whether I fight or not. I’ve chosen to go through the process – I chose to go through every process he brought me to, the day I dedicated my life to Him. I know that if he brought me to it, he will bring me through it. I don’t want to be like the Israelites where it took them 40years to complete an 11 day trip, to get to the promise land because they refused to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God!

It’s so easy to lift our hands in prayer, lift our hands and say ‘I Want to Know You’ but to know someone is to become like them, to yield yourself to them. To know someone is to agree with their ways, to know their heart & mind and THEN become walk with them! To know someone and to Love someone is to look beyond what they are doing, and why, and see them as God sees. To become like God it means you MUST die to self.

Recently God has been showing me the state of my heart; I had no desire to love someone in my life as I did before.  I thought because my desire to love them had died that I must walk – but love is not about a desire! It’s far from that! Love is a choice! Feelings change; if your feelings for me change than that’s okay, but love, well that can never change. I’m sure Jesus didn’t feel like carrying the cross to calvery and having them put nails in his hands and feet! They stretched him wide, and hung Him high, but Love kept Him there. He had the power to stop the whole thing! He could have lifted those nails out, got up, wiped the blood and kept it moving. But his Love, the burden of Love that He carried, it just wouldn’t let Him leave. We are called to represent God, for God is love. Even when we are married, we are called to represent Christ daily. To love beyond offence, feelings and selfish ways – to love beyond our own wants and needs. It means doing things you may not want to do, understand or quite simply hate. It requires vulnerability. I think sometimes people choose not to love because of fear, but perfect Love casts out fear. In love there is no fear – in God there is no fear, only love & faith!

I’ve learned recently in this season, that to love as I love myself; I had to actively create space between myself and them. It wasn’t healthy and neither was it practical for both of us to continue on the route we were going; in all honesty I told God I’d had enough of the drama, emotions and mess and I was ready to walk away from it all – I gave up on them! But I really I wasn’t walking away from them, I was walking away from the toxic, co-dependent bond we had formed – I was walking away from us. To walk away from a situation does not mean that we are walking away from the person, we just love ourselves and them enough to know when to let go. I let go as it no longer brought me peace; the Lord opened my eyes to the dynamic of the friendship and ask me to let go; it doesn’t mean that He called me to stop loving.

I am able to love them from a distance in this season; whether it brings them peace or not it brings me peace. To be led of the Holy Spirit means sometimes we may not understand. I think as Christians we nullify the 1 Corinthians 13 scripture and put it in a box solely for marriage, and then until we’re married we don’t walk in love. But how can you get married if you have not been processed to walk in love?

They’ll be days when you won’t feel like loving your husband or wife, and you’ll realise that love isn’t a feeling. You’ll want to ring his or her neck, hey, you may even ask God – remind me why I married this person again? But even your marriage isn’t about you! Yes, get used to that fact right now! It hurts but it’s true. In your marriage, friendships and relationships you are God with skin-on! It goes beyond you every minute of every day. We are called to bring Glory to God in all things, not just the areas of our life that we surrender to Him. That’s why you must pray for foresight if married or even single – pray that God will help you see the potential in your one day mate…and stick with that! Remember God NEVER brings the finished product! He could, but where would the fun in that be? God is a God of relation, I guess at one point even He was lonely – he Loved man so much that He said that it was not good for Him to be alone. That still blows me away…that God has not called us to be alone.

Love goes beyond feelings – it goes beyond our own wants and needs – it was love that kept Jesus on the cross and its love that keeps Him loving us daily, even when we fail Him. We must Love Him because He loved us first.

Remember real Love Never Fails.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Guarded Woman

In my recent days passed, God has truly been revealing himself to me and through me. My prayers have dwindled, but when I say He’s here with me more now than ever; I literally feel Him peeling and pulling away at me and my heart (circumcising my heart)...and to be honest it’s beautiful. He’s shown me the woman who I am, beneath the guard. You see, I had (sometimes have) a guard that screams stay away from me; you cannot go any further, if you do, you may not like what you find. I made myself unapproachable on purpose!

In all honesty, I had been scared to let the guard down, even with Jesus! Why? Because I didn’t know who was underneath there. I hadn’t met this woman. She’s a stranger to me; fun, bubbly, loving (wants to be loved), gentle, kind, funny, cries through good and bad times and longs for all that God has for her life. Now, if I didn’t know who this woman was and what she’s capable of...how could I let anyone else in and expect them to understand? That would mean new territory, vulnerability, openness; being stretched out of my comfort zone...the list could go on. But one thing I can tell you is that it put the fear of God in to me to open up again. To put myself out there...but I so badly wanted to be free to love! Be free to love and be loved; for & through every mistake, every bad mood, every bad day, whether up or down. That to me means so much; more beyond any of the material things in this world. But God showed me that in order to do this, I had to become honest with myself and with Him.

You see in God’s word (1 John 4:18) it says ‘...perfect love casts out fear’. It’s important to remember that we cannot know love until we know the author & creator of Love. We cannot know that Love casts out fear until we are able to let God love us beyond our fears. When created, God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of peace, love & a sound mind.

Now the process that followed was definitely unique! I was sat sharing my testimony with a colleague; I mean completely and honestly sharing my testimony! Not holding anything back. And I literally felt the last layer of hurt from my past remove itself from my heart...I felt the Holy Spirit move in my heart and with that I said goodbye to that emotional turmoil. I said goodbye to the woman that was... I finally said Hello to ‘Me’.

I’ve begun to understand the sort of woman that I am beyond the guard; the woman that I was originally created to be (before this world got a hold of me). When I love, I love hard! I mean deep...once I’m in something I’m in it for the long run, long term...heyyy...I’m in it for eternity. I’m either all in or not in at all; and that scares me again too. It requires to love without abandon; to love like I’ve never been hurt...and I have been which makes it even harder to comprehend.

The guard goes up so that soul hurt, the pain that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy, never has to return. But I think we forget sometimes; that with God life happens; he doesn’t stop life happening to us but He IS faithful to help us through life, after all ‘He is close to the broken-hearted’.

Don't be afraid of who you are under that guard! In fact, ask The Lord to take the guard off...He longs for you to see the woman who He created...I promise you you won't regret it <3

Love EML xx

Thursday 24 January 2013


Imagine this, you became a C.E.O overnight? I mean, no hard work, no degree needed, no prior experience and certainly without having to climb the corporate ladder. No application process, no interview, no waiting in anxiousness until you find out the outcome; the position literally just fell in your lap. Even more excitingly, what if I told you, you can create a brand without having to raise capital, no business plan needed, and it only depended on your internal analysis.

Ladies, YOU ARE THE BRAND and you ARE the C.E.O of your own life.
[1]A chief executive officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking corporate officer (executive) or administrator in charge of total management of an organization. An individual appointed as a CEO of a corporation, company, organization, or agency typically reports to the board of directors.

Okay, so let’s break down the definition above!
Highest Ranking – it means you are the top in your life, an elevated level to which people must step-up to. Tell the grown boy to step up or step out!
In charge of total management - You have the power to determine what comes in and what comes out. You have total management of your being; spiritually, physically, mentally & emotionally.
Report to the board of directors – Your board/director is GOD! No more and no less. He is the One of whom you live your life through & for, give your life to, reverently & fearfully obey. He is the one who will determine your footsteps; He knows your every thought, He knows your end before your beginning & just like a Board of Directors, He has a lot of experience in this thing called ‘life’ and won’t let you invest yourself or time in something or someone who He knows won’t reap the correct dividends. He’s a purposeful living God and understands that life is ‘but a vapour’, so why let us waste time not pursuing our purpose or having those people in our lives that are more a liability than an asset.

Now with that broken down, let’s get into the realness of this revelation. As a young 24 year old woman, I have been through the mill & back and I genuinely prayed that someone had told me the information above before I went out into this world & tried to make things work my way, but I also thank God for the opportunity for being able to come to this realisation; better late than never right?! Through my life experience, or test should I say, God was faithful to turn it into my testimony &then transform it into ministry. It is now a passion of mine that every woman I come into contact with understands her purpose, why she was created and how precious she is in the sight of God. I know it may not feel like it sometimes, but in His word it says:

Genesis 2:18 ‘Now the Lord God saidIt is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.’ (AMP)
According the www.thefreedictionary.com the definition is as follows:
adapted - changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose;

1. flexiblevariableversatileresilienteasy-goingchangeablemodifiableconformable They are adaptable foragers that can survive on a wide range of foods.
com·ple·men·ta·ry adj.
1. Forming or serving as a complement; completing.
2. Supplying mutual needs or offsetting mutual lacks.

NOTE: the word adapted – not adaptable! To be ‘adapted’ means you are already suited to the environment; already made perfect to fit perfectly to your purpose! That’s the point of your process!
‘Adaptable’ means you are agile, able to be flexible to any ‘Adam’! NO – you are created ‘adapted’ perfectly to your Adam! So you don’t have to wake him up! Hallelujah! Pressure off; you can go about this life, active in your wait upon your Adam! Isn’t that so cool?

Once Adam had given names to all the livestock, it is written in Genesis 19-20 that there was STILL not found a suitable & adaptable help meet for him. So the other revelation I catch from this that your Adam, at this very moment in time may be in a relationship, even unsaved, out in the world sowing his wild oats! But believe me when I tell you, at the right time, God will bring him across your path and who knows sis? You may even end up being a catalyst for change! PRAISE GOD RIGHT NOW!

Genesis 2:21 -23 ‘And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and WHILE he slept, He took one of his ribs or part of his side and closed up the [place with] flesh. And the rib or part of the side which the Lord God had taken from man He built up and made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. Then Adam said ‘this [creature] is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken OUT of a man.’  

The scripture above explains the process to how Adam met Eve. There was NO her asking him, or anything! Literally, she was going about her business with the big boss man (God) and along her way she was introduced (at the right time) to Her ADAM! Basically, you WILL meet him at the right time.

Be patient sis...keep fighting this daily battle knowing that each day brings you closer to the one! Each day brings you closer to God and each day you are fulfilling your God given destiny...

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_executive_officer

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Do not despise...

Have you ever wondered why your life or steps have been ordered in such a way? Ever wondered why you feel you are in constant service to others, your life is under pressure and feel your life lacks substance? Every prayer you pray you believe isn't being answered, because if it were, why haven't your cirucmstances changed?
I battle with this too...I sometimes question why the Lord has me in this state currently. As I sat down to speak with Him this morning I realised that his promised 'peace that surpasses all understanding' is currently with me. If you knew the trials, tribulations, pressures and issues in my life...you like I, would be wondering, how am I still standing? And all I can say it is by His Grace and Mercy.
In the natural, without our Daddy to lean on, I believe life would come along and beat us left, right and centre! But in these seasons we must stand on his word! Truly, unbelivably press into Him through the storms of life; these are designed to bring us closer to Him not to push us away. You have to remember that if He's brought you to it, he will also bring you through it.
On entering His word this morning my Bible opened up to preparatrion scriptures! We are told not to despise small beginnings; in the wanting to pass through all these tests and dry seasons, we could miss out on the lessons intended for us to learn!
Exodus 3:1
'One day Moses was tending the flock of his Father-in-Law, Jethro, the priest of Midian. He led the flock into the wilderness and came to Sinai, the mountain of God'

The revelation I caught from this was so timely that I just had to share. As we go about life and question God why am I in this season, I am more than this and all I do is serve others, why do you have me doing this? We forget that menial preparation will always lead you back to God - meaning it will always keep you humble! Before Moses became Leader of the Israelites I can imagine it was a raher lonely season for Moses, tending to the flock day in, day out, without a Word from God. But in this season of 'dryness' the Lord was teaching Moses lessons of faithfulness and general lessons that he had to learn first, before becoming a leader.

He had to learn about the ways of people he would be leading and also about life in the wilderness, for this is where he would spend 40years of his life! God was preparing him in this small things, making him ready for the Big things! I can assume in this season however, that there were many things God had to wean from Moses before he moved him to this next level and he certainly had to keep Him Humble.

Moses is a fine example of being faithful and humble in the things of God, for in 1 Corinthians 10:31 we are told that 'In everything we do, do it to God'. So it doesn't matter what people say, as long as you know why you are doing what you are doing, do it with a smile, knowing that there are things God must teach you in your humble beginnings, for your next level is so big, He loves you enough to prepare you for it! Just like us though, Moses was unable to appreciate this lesson, but God was getting him ready for the biggest assignment of his life!

Notice anything here, did God not do the SAME thing with David - soon to be King David? David was told he would become King, on recieving this Word he was then told to return to tending the sheep UNTIL the Lord was ready to send him to his next level.

Do not despise the small beginnings! Be faithful in the small things, so you will be faithful in the big! Remember He is not a Man that he should lie and every promise that sits in the bible, is for us to reach out and grab!

Obedience is better than sacrifice, stay in your lane!
God loves you!

EML xx